
由CNardi著作·2012·被引用12次—Afeatureoflibrarymusicisthatmusiciansoperateonawork-for-hirebasis,whichstipulatesthat,astheactualcreatorrelinquishesanyrightstothemusic ...,Callingallmusiccomposers!Lookingtogetsignedtoaproductionlibraryasacomposer?Herearesometipstogetintomusiclibraries!,Bahr,AliceHarrison,andMickeyZemon.CollaborativeAuthorshipintheJournalLiterature:PerspectivesforAcademicLibrarian...

Library music

由 C Nardi 著作 · 2012 · 被引用 12 次 — A feature of library music is that musicians operate on a work-for-hire basis, which stipulates that, as the actual creator relinquishes any rights to the music ...

How To Get Signed To Music Libraries As A Composer

Calling all music composers! Looking to get signed to a production library as a composer? Here are some tips to get into music libraries!

Writing & Publishing for the Librarian

Bahr, Alice Harrison, and Mickey Zemon. Collaborative Authorship in the Journal Literature: Perspectives for Academic Librarians Who Wish to Publish.

How to build a local digital music library

2023年6月26日 — Is creating a local digital music library worth it? Although it may seem like a lot of work, building and curating your own music collection can ...

Creating a Music Library for Music Streaming Apps

2023年6月2日 — First, choose a service with a large and diverse music library catalog that suits your listening preferences. Then utilize features like ...

Music Library Guide

2024年1月12日 — Truncation searching lets users find documents containing variations of a root keyword. For example, if we place librar* in a search term we are ...

How To Create A Production Music Library

Create your own music library website. Build a stock music library. Production music royalty free website. Make money from your music.